Saturday, September 10, 2011


I'm so excited that hubby is coming home tomorrrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I really am--can you tell?)  In the meantime, I"m sitting here writing this post as I stare at the ever-growing list of things to do here at home.  I could be cleaning the bathroom, putting up some border, finishing the re-do of my closet, daring to go into the spare room and unpack bins and then put some semblance of order into my crafting space, vacuum the living room, doing the laundry...

I'm doing none of those things, however.  I was out shopping with my mom this morning in the "larger-than-our-town" town (not quite the "big city").  She was shopping, I was along for moral support--my checking account is telling me that I can't buy anything until hubby gives it some money.  Anyway, that threw a monkey wrench into my plans for the day--but who's going to do chores ahead of shopping with mom? 

Anyway, I've spent the afternoon NOT doing my chores, well not doing the more dreadful ones anyway.  I'm working on crocheting my Christmas presents for Brother/SIL and Sister/BIL, and SIL/BIL.  And I need to come up with b-day presents for my nephew and my I've been working, just not on grownup stuff.

I think my procrastination will catch up with me, eventually.  I've already discussed this with my body, as it has had its own ideas on procrastination.  After putting it off for three months, my body finally decided that *perhaps* I would want an end to the cycle of doom.  So in response, I have been dealing with the effects of my body's procrastination--an AF that has been going strong all week.  So, since it is CD 5, I'm going to start on soy again to see if it will work this time. 

Here' s hoping for a *normal* cycle this month.  A "monthly" cycle, like other women have.  One where I feel like a real woman again.  Where I don't feel like a failure, and where I have confidence in my womanliness. 

Well, that's enough wool-gathering for now.  Off I go to put clothes in the dryer, take out the trash, and get back to work on the afghans.  Who knows what tomorrow will bring?  Maybe it'll be the day I'm hoping for!

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